Pricing Changes

Effective December 1, 2022 the following prices will take effect for all customers. Prices indicated are assessed per day.

Primary domains:
1-9 domains: $0.066 per domain
10-40 domains: $0.058 per domain
40+ domains: $0.052 per domain

Web and Email data:
0-9 GB: $0.030
10-40 GB: $0.024
40+ GB: $0.0195

Database data:
0-1 GB: $0.180
1-2 GB: $0.150
2+ GB: $0.120

Payperhost Pricing Changes

Effective: June 1, 2021

The following pricing will be effective for all Payperhost accounts as of June 1, 2021. Any accounts signed up before this date will also see the price increase.

Primary Domains (pricing is per day per domain):
* 0 – 9 domains: $0.0325
* 10 – 39 domains: $0.029
* 40+ domains: $0.026

Web and Mail Data (pricing is per day per GB):
* 0 – 10 GB: $0.02
* 10 – 40 GB: $0.016
* 40+ GB: $0.013

Database Data (pricing is per day per GB):
0 – 1 GB: $0.12
1-2 GB: $0.10
2+ GB: $0.08

Europe Web Server Migration Completed

June 27, 2020 – 05:34 AM UTC- We have completed the migration of the Europe web server to our new infrastructure.

Web sites on the web1.europe1 server can now take advantage of the latest PHP version (7.4). If you have an existing site that you want migrated to PHP 7.4, please email or open a case to have us enable PHP 7.4. Please understand we do not control your web site and don’t know if it works on PHP 7.4, that is up to you to figure out. We do not take responsibility if your site is not working on PHP 7.4.

Common Questions

I have a new domain and want PHP 7.4
Any new domains added to the Europe server will automatically have the latest PHP version as long as you add a domain to a ‘new’ web account. Any domains added to existing web accounts will still utilize PHP 5.6.

I have several domains and only want a select number of them migrated to PHP 7.4
Migrations to PHP 7.4 on the Europe server can only be done on a per web account basis. If you have multiple domains under a web account, all of the domains under that web account will be migrated to PHP 7.4 at your request. You can see the web accounts listed in your account under the domains page.

Web1.Europe1 Scheduled Migration – June 27 @ 03:00 AM London Time (GMT+1)

At Intertune we are working harder than ever before to bring you the latest hosting technologies for your Payperhost accounts. To that end we are announcing that we will be migrating your web site accounts to new infrastructure if you are on the Europe (web1.europe1) server. If you don’t have sites on this server you can stop reading. Your web sites will still be hosted using the existing PHP 5.6 version with MySQL. After your site is migrated you will also have the latest PHP Version 7.4 available for you to use for new web sites or the ability to change the PHP version of your existing accounts to the new version.

What is changing?
We are migrating your web site(s) and any mysql database(s) to our new infrastructure. Email is not affected.

What do I need to do?
We are handling all the heavy lifting for you and migrating your web and database files to the new environment. We ask that you check to make sure your web site is functioning on the new infrastructure prior to the migration which will occur on Saturday, June 27 at 03:00 AM London Time (GMT+1). We also ask that if you are not using Payperhost DNS servers and using a 3rd party that you update your DNS records at the time referenced for migration – please do not do this now! (more information on that below)

A version of your web site is already available on the new infrastructure, you can test it with the instructions below. If you see a slightly older version of your web site or database, rest assured that as of the date and time mentioned below for the maintenance, the latest copy of your data will be transferred to the new infrastructure.

NOTE: We have taken every pre-caution to make sure this migration is as smooth as possible, however you are responsible for testing your site and making sure it is functioning appropriately prior to the migration.

How do I test my site?
To test your site you are going to need to modify the hosts file on your local machine to trick it that your web site is already hosted on the new infrastructure. Please see instructions here on how to modify your hosts file:

Here is the IP to use for the hosts file:
Make sure to add two entries in your hosts file for each web site you need to test, like the example below:

Once you update your hosts file, you can open a new browser window and go to your web site. At this point you should be hitting the new infrastructure. You may also want to clear your web browser cache prior to testing.

I don’t use Payperhost DNS, what do I change and when?
Please update the IP for your web site on your DNS provider at approximately 03:00 AM London Time (GMT+1) on Saturday, June 27. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS EARLIER, YOUR WEB SITE WILL NOT HAVE THE UPDATED FILES IF YOU DO. You can also use a CNAME record to if your DNS provider allows it. This CNAME change can be done ahead of time as this points to the current infrastructure and we will update where this points to after we cut over to the new infrastructure.

Can I migrate my sites to the new infrastructure before the scheduled maintenance?
No. If you do so you will have problems with your site when the migration occurs. Please do not under any circumstance point your web site DNS to the new IP before the migration. Things will break and we will not be responsible for it.

When is the migration happening?
The migration will start approximately 03:00 AM London Time (GMT+1) on Saturday, June 27. There will be an 8 hour maintenance window where we will perform the migration until 11:00 AM London Time on Saturday, June 27. We expect that there might be short periods of downtime throughout this window. There could also be downtime related to DNS propagation during this time as we will disable the existing infrastructure when the migration occurs, so that there isn’t a data related issue after the migration starts. We will also work to reduce the TTL for all DNS entries on our servers prior to the migration to reduce DNS propagation times.

I have questions and need help.
Please feel free to create a support request to or engage one of our engineers on our live 24/7 chat by going to:

Thank you,

Intertune Team

PHP 7.4 is here!

Web sites on the web1.americas1 server can now take advantage of the latest PHP version (7.4). If you have an existing site that you want migrated to PHP 7.4, please email or open a case to have us enable PHP 7.4. Please understand we do not control your web site and don’t know if it works on PHP 7.4, that is up to you to figure out. We do not take responsibility if your site is not working on PHP 7.4.

Common Questions

I have a new domain and want PHP 7.4
Any new domains added to the Americas server will automatically have the latest PHP version as long as you add a domain to a ‘new’ web account. Any domains added to existing web accounts will still utilize PHP 5.6.

I have several domains and only want a select number of them migrated to PHP 7.4
Migrations to PHP 7.4 on the Americas server can only be done on a per web account basis. If you have multiple domains under a web account, all of the domains under that web account will be migrated to PHP 7.4 at your request. You can see the web accounts listed in your account under the domains page.

When will the Europe servers have PHP 7?
We intend to migrate the Europe servers to new infrastructure toward the end of May, please stay tuned.

Web1.Americas Scheduled Migration 4/25/2020 @ 10:00 PM PST

We hope this email finds you and your loved ones well during the time of this COVID-19 pandemic.

At Intertune we are working harder than ever before to bring you the latest hosting technologies for your Payperhost accounts. To that end we are announcing that we will be migrating your web site accounts to new infrastructure if you are on the North America (web1.americas1) server. If you don’t have sites on this server you can stop reading, we will be migrating the Europe server (web1.europe1) at a future date. Your web sites will still be hosted using the existing PHP 5.6 version with MySQL. After your site is migrated you will also have the latest PHP Version 7.4 available for you to use for new web sites or the ability to change the PHP version of your existing accounts to the new version.

What is changing?
We are migrating your web site(s) and any mysql database(s) to our new infrastructure. Email is not affected.

What do I need to do?
We are handling all the heavy lifting for you and migrating your web and database files to the new environment. We ask that you check to make sure your web site is functioning on the new infrastructure prior to the migration which will occur on Saturday April 25 at 10:00 PM PST. We also ask that if you are not using Payperhost DNS servers and using a 3rd party that you update your DNS records at the time referenced for migration – please do not do this now! (more information on that below)

A version of your web site is already available on the new infrastructure, you can test it with the instructions below. If you see a slightly older version of your web site or database, rest assured that as of the date and time mentioned below for the maintenance, the latest copy of your data will be transferred to the new infrastructure.

NOTE: We have taken every pre-caution to make sure this migration is as smooth as possible, however you are responsible for testing your site and making sure it is functioning appropriately prior to the migration.<

How do I test my site?
To test your site you are going to need to modify the hosts file on your local machine to trick it that your web site is already hosted on the new infrastructure. Please see instructions here on how to modify your hosts file:
Here is the IP to use for the hosts file:
Make sure to add two entries in your hosts file for each web site you need to test, like the example below:

Once you update your hosts file, you can open a new browser window and go to your web site. At this point you should be hitting the new infrastructure. You may also want to clear your web browser cache prior to testing.

I don’t use Payperhost DNS, what do I change and when?
Please update the IP for your web site on your DNS provider at approximately 10:00 PM PST on Saturday, April 25. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS EARLIER, YOUR WEB SITE WILL NOT HAVE THE UPDATED FILES IF YOU DO.
You can also use a CNAME record to if your DNS provider allows it. This CNAME change can be done ahead of time as this points to the current infrastructure and we will update where this points to after we cut over to the new infrastructure.

Can I migrate my sites to the new infrastructure before the scheduled maintenance?
No. If you do so you will have problems with your site when the migration occurs. Please do not under any circumstance point your web site DNS to the new IP before the migration. Things will break and we will not be responsible for it.

When is the migration happening?
The migration will start approximately 10:00 PM PST on Saturday, April 25. There will be an 8 hour maintenance window where we will perform the migration until 6:00 AM PST, Sunday, April 26. We expect that there might be short periods of downtime throughout this window. There could also be downtime related to DNS propagation during this time as we will disable the existing infrastructure when the migration occurs, so that there isn’t a data related issue after the migration starts. We will also work to reduce the TTL for all DNS entries on our servers prior to the migration to reduce DNS propagation times.

I have questions and need help.
Please feel free to create a support request to or engage one of our engineers on our live 24/7 chat by going to:

Thank you,

Intertune Team

Scheduled maintenance mail1.americas1 – Friday, March 1

We will be undergoing maintenance migrating mail services from mail1.americas1 to a new cloud hosting provider.  The maintenance window will begin at 9:00 PM PST on Friday March 1 and last until 5:00 AM PST on Saturday, March 2.

During the maintenance window there might be periods where you are unable to send or receive mail.

Once the maintenance window is complete your mail will flow as normal and you should receive any messages you were sent during the maintenance window.

Hurricane Matthew may affect our services

PayPerHost continues to closely monitor Hurricane Matthew as it continues to track through the Caribbean. Based on the latest forecasts, we are expecting hurricane conditions in the area of our Miami data center.

What services may be affected:

  • Web hosting in the Miami data center,
  • admin panels,
  • customer support.

Services located in the European data center should not be affected.

The PayPerHost team.